Caffenol Film Development

Caffenol is a homemade, coffee based developer that can be used to develop film at home.

Whereas there are many different variations of the Caffenol recipe, Caffenol Delta is the one I’ve had most success with.


Caffenol Delta Recipe

(1 Roll of Film) (500ml)

(I use a recycled 1 liter water bottle to mix the ingredients in.)

- Sodium Carbonate (12gs)

(Washing Soda with Anhydrous)

-Vitamin C Powder (10gs)

-Instant Coffee (22.5gs)

(The instant coffee has crystals not coffee grounds and make sure the coffee isn’t decaff.)

-Water (500ml)

(For the best results gradually pour the water in after you add each ingredient. This will prevent the Vitamin C from solidifying.)


Stop Bath & Fixer

Ilford Rapid Fixer and Ilford Stop Bath can be found online for around $20 dollars.

(I use two old pickle jars to put these chemicals in and they work perfectly.)

Stop Bath and Fixer

(1 Roll of Film)


Ilford Rapid Fixer (100ml)

-Water (400ml)

Stop Bath

-Ilford Stop Bath (25ml)

-Water (475ml)



Step by Step Development


  1. Pour the caffenol into the developing tank. (10-12mins.) Agitate for 30 seconds in the 1st minute, then only agitate 3 times a minute.

  2. Dump out the caffenol and fill the tank with water. Rise out 1 or 2 times.

  3. Pour in the stop bath (1min) agitate every 15 seconds.

  4. Pour stop bath back in stop bath jar, it can be reused. Rise tank.

  5. Pour the fixer into the developing tank. (2mins)

  6. Dump fixer out. Rise tank.

  7. Add a dot of dishwasher soap to tank, rise and dump tank. (Helps the film dry spotless.)

  8. Take film out of developing tank.

  9. Hang to dry and squeegee off any extra water on the film negative.

  10. Once dry, scan or photograph negative, once converted you will have a B&W positive image.



(Results will vary depending on what Caffenol recipe you use and what film you’re developing.)